The storyteller understands the power of a name to help define purpose. With the founding of the company firmly in an age when technology advances information, Digital pays homage to our origin. Media, the mechanism through which we communicate, continues to evolve, and so do we. So why the P in the middle?
We are Prolific. As Thomas Edison explained, “To have a great idea, have a lot of them.”
We love Pizza. The go-to sustenance of choice for grabbing a bite producing on the road and late-night edits.
We Partner. Our goal is to build long-term relationships with our clients, investing ourselves in your success.
We use Perspective. We dig into the meaning behind the stories and share your point-of-view.
Most importantly, we embrace the Possibilities. The P doesn’t stand for one thing, and every project takes a unique path on our never-ending quest to help you tell your story. And to have a little fun along the way.